75% off May Sessions! Save up to $135! Save more when you book sooner! 30 min. session, (at least)1 outfit, indoor only, $17-Save $52 1 hr. session, (at least) 2 outfits, indoor OR out, $29- Save $90 1.5 hr. ssession, (at least) 3 outfits, indoor & out, $37-Save $112 2 hr. session, (at least) 4 outfits, indoor & out, $44-Save $135 3 hr. limitless outfits, in/out+on location!-$249 All sessions include: Free Cap and Gown (session & print) in May 2020. $55 value! Free Buddy/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/BFF/BAE Session. $25 value! Free Family Portrait Session. $95 value! Check our website at kenmarstudio.com or call 920-734-5328 for details. Three easy steps when you call 920-734-5328 now! 1) Decide how much time you want for your photoshoot and whether you want to be photographed outdoors. 2) Call 920-734-5328 to reserve your date and get all your questions answered. 3 Kick back and relax! We'll take good care of you.

Photoshoot Options

Choose the photoshoot option that will tell your story! 

Choose the sale that will save you money!

Save more when you book sooner:

Save 75% in May, 50% in June, 25% in July

Session Fees and Photoshoot Options:

Session duration Session descriptionMay Session FeeJune Session Fee July Session FeeAugust Session Fee
1/2 hrone outfit indoor only$17$34$51 $69
1 hrtwo + outfits indoor OR out$29$59  $89$119
1.5 hthree + outfits indoor & out$37$74$111$149
2 hrfour + outfits indoor & out$44$89$134  $179
3 hrlimitless outfits in/out+on location!$249    $249   $249   $249

All photoshoot options include:

Free  Cap and Gown (session & print) in Graduation year.       $55 value!

Free  Buddy/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/BFF/BAE Session.   $25 value!

Free  Family Portrait Session.                                               $95 value!

Pick Your Sale

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