Welcome Encore Dance Academy parents & students! KenMar Photography now accepts VENMO payments! Please make sure when using VENMO that you put your student’s name in the notes section.

Tips & Reminders
- Make sure to note the time that your student’s class is scheduled. Please have your dancer ready 10 minutes before the scheduled time with order slip complete and in hand.
- You must fill out a separate order form for each class in which your dancer is enrolled. One check may be written for multiple orders. Payment is due at the time of photography. ADD-ONS MAY ONLY BE ADDED TO ONE OF THE PACKAGES. Sorry, no substitutions are allowed.
- Parents are responsible for hair and makeup. Hair and makeup should be worn as at recital/competition. Make sure your student brings appropriate shoes and any accessories that go with their costume.
- Please be there even if you are not ordering so you will be in the group picture.
- For the best possible photographs, it’s important for the photographer to have the dancer’s attention so parents are asked to stay out of the shooting area. If you have a very young dancer and the photographer feels your presence would be helpful, we’ll let you know.
- We appreciate your cooperation in helping us with these items so we may deliver you the best possible images.
Please have your order slip(s) filled out, with payment in envelope(s), before your arrival. If you have questions about filling out the order form, see KenMar attendant on picture day before the scheduled photo time. Order forms can be picked up at the dance studio, on picture day at the photography studio, or printed below (one slip per class/costume; for collages, one order slip is needed, however, collage slips need to be printed out as well. One collage slip per pose/costume.):

If you have any questions, give us a call at (920) 734-5328 or email [email protected].
Individual Photo Packages

Web ONLY Packages
To order these web packages, add package number on order envelope! For collages, print collage slips, or see KenMar attendant on picture day for collage slips!

Package 7 – Digital Dance Image on USB Flash Drive – $51

Package 8 – 8×10 Dance Collage (2 or 3 Images) – $56
(print collage slips or see KenMar attendant on picture day for collage slips)

Package 9 – 11×14 Dance Collage (3 or 4 Images) – $66
(print collage slips or see KenMar attendant on picture day for collage slips)

Package 10 – 8×20 Dance Collage (3, 4 or 5 Images) – $101
(print collage slips or see KenMar attendant on picture day for collage slips)
Individual Photo Add-Ons

Web ONLY Add-Ons
To order these web add-ons, add an add-on letter on order envelope! For collages, print collage slips, or see KenMar attendant on picture day for collage slips!

Add-On G – 3 inch Dance Button – $7

Add-On H – 5×7 Dance Statuette – $26

Add-On I – Digital Dance Image on USB Flash Drive – $36

Add-On J – 8×10 Dance Collage (2 or 3 Images) – $46
(print collage slips or see KenMar attendant on picture day for collage slips)

Add-On K – 11×14 Dance Collage (3 or 4 Images) – $56
(print collage slips or see KenMar attendant on picture day for collage slips)

Add-On L – 8×20 Dance Collage (3, 4 or 5 Images) – $71
(print collage slips or see KenMar attendant on picture day for collage slips)
Picture Day Schedule
Can’t remember when your class is scheduled for pictures? Click below for the picture day schedule: