Professional portrait studio image High school senior girl graduation picture on

It’s Winter and Todd is BORED! The Remedy? Free Model Sessions!

Get a 30 minute mini photo session and an image for Facebook for FREE!

Absolutely Free.

No strings, no expectations, no hoops to jump through, nothing!


Between January and April I have lots of time and not enough outlets for my creativity!

I’m bored!

I need you and I just want to give you a taste of what it’s like to be a model while I keep the creative juices flowing. If you want to earn more sessions and prints by referring your friends that’s cool.

If you just wanna catch the freebie, no biggie.

I figure you just might like the experience enough to come in again when I actually’ll charge something and your friends might see your Facebook Model Shot and check us out as well.

Win. Win. Win!
To apply, simply fill out the form below. Spots are limited so apply TODAY!

Email Address: 
Why do you want to be photographed by Todd at KenMar?