Todd at KenMar Photography Inc, 1120 North Hickory Farm Lane in Appleton, WI was awarded more blue ribbons for high school senior portraits

Yay ME! Nineteen years in a row!

Wisconsin Professional Photographers Association awarded my high school senior photography folio top honors every year for 19 years in a row! No other photographer has ever, or is ever likely to do this ever again. These folios were acclaimed by accredited judges from throughout the United States.

Todd at KenMar Photography Inc, 1120 N Hickory Farm Ln in Appleton, WI was awarded blue ribbons for high school senior portraits for 19 years in a row!



Todd at KenMar Photography Inc, 1120 North Hickory Farm Lane in Appleton, WI was awarded more blue ribbons for high school senior portraits
Todd at KenMar Photography Inc, 1120 North Hickory Farm Lane in Appleton, WI was awarded more blue ribbons for high school senior portraits