KenMar Photography Inc.1120 N Hickory Farm Ln, Appleton, WI 54914

Senior High School Cost/Value

Step 5 of 5 to earn your reward.

How much is this going to cost?

Every one has a budget. So let’s determine a range of prices. Shopping for photography is much less about dollars and more about sense because price is only a small part of the big picture. (Pun intended)

The value of a portrait is not in what it cost, it’s in the way it makes you feel.

You’re not going to love a bad portrait just because you got it cheap. But a quality portrait feels priceless.

Choosing a creative service like photography is a unique experience.

Portrait photography isn’t a product that you pull down off of a shelf. It’s a creative service. When you compare on price alone and you pay less, what will the “less” be, less creative or less service?

If you take the time to shop around and do research, you won’t have to pay more to increase your chances of finding better quality. KenMar has been around long enough to enjoy a good reputation. Listen to those whose taste you share.

Being the best doesn’t have to mean you’re  the most expensive—far from it!

There are KenMar portraits to fit every budget. Gift portraits start at just $40 and go up to $395 for the larger ones.

We make it easy to afford your portraits by providing a convenient, no-extra cost payment path. There are two fees that you’ll pay; one is for the photo shoot and is paid when you book your appointment. The other amount is a $300 down payment when you view or take home your book of original portraits. This payment is applied in full toward whatever photographs you end up choosing. You can pay half your remaining balance at the time of the order and the other half when everything is picked up.

So your payments can be spread out over a several month period over your experience with us, which makes it easy on your budget while allowing you to get what you want. We make owning a KenMar portrait easy!

Congratulations! Your reward for clicking through all of our information pages is an extra 20 minutes added to your session! Just mention this before your session! Thank you!